Data and its analysis are the gold standards for digital marketers. Unfortunately, options are becoming increasingly limited, either through laws that evolve and change or through companies that enact policy …
3 Essential Forms of Protection for Small Businesses
Starting a business is a commitment that many don’t venture towards in life. It takes mass amounts of drive, time, effort, dedication, and self-trust to take the plunge of becoming …
5 Ways to Protect Customer Data Privacy in Digital Marketing
Data breaches with big companies make big news. Target. Equifax. Home Depot. Those data breaches exposed the private data of millions of customers. But data privacy is also important for …
6 Essential Digital Communication Channels for Small Businesses
Just like people learn differently, they also communicate differently. Businesses must have various digital communication channels that cater to as many people in their target audience as possible. Some people …
5 Fundamentals of Digital Communication
Everyone is a spirit in the digital world. Humans live in the digital age, and we’re connected more than ever. And we need to learn how to communicate with each …
Social Media Lurkers: Who Are They?
Anyone who has listened to a talk radio show or popular podcast has probably heard someone call in to say, “Long-time listener, first-time caller.” Wouldn’t it be great if every …