Cyber attacks have been in the news frequently in the past few months. We started 2021 off in the U.S. with news of a cyber attack affecting Microsoft users. Just …
Website Performance: Top 5 KPIs You Should Watch
You have a website, it’s been fully optimized, and it’s available for your audience to interact with. There’s just one problem: you aren’t quite sure if it’s doing its job …
4 Notable Ways the Web Design Process Has Changed
It’s no secret that the way websites look and feel today are completely different from how they were 20 or 30 years ago. With changing trends, new technology, and better …
Vervology: The Who, What, and Why
Quite often, people ask our team what the word “Vervology” actually means, beyond being the name of our company. After that, their questions are usually about how we can help …
Organic Digital Marketing Myths Debunked
Digital marketing is a hot term right now. Everywhere you go, it sounds like every brand is concerned with digital marketing and how to boost their return on investment. With …